The Conflicts between Globalization and Anti-Globalization:
Through Aspects of Whale Fishing
We have studied on “Japan” and “Japanese people” by focusing on the aspects of globalization since 2000. We define this keyword “globalization” as “the extension of a certain universal and influential principle, culture, and technology.” In the course of this study, we also encountered the aspects of so-called “the anti-globalization.” This means that such cultural intercourse might have not only phases of reconciliation but also of refusal and elimination..
In order to understand the various aspects of globalization, we recently started to study whale fishing from the interdisciplinary point of view. A case study on whale fishing could offer the key to an understanding of globalization because it has caused international political affairs in Japan as well as other countries.
Our projects are grouped into four ways: (1) observations of traditional whale fishing in the Pacific basin countries, and the relationship to the people who live there, (2) Area studies on the bases of whale fishing, (3) Excavation, record, and preservation of historical, literary, cultural materials, and (4) consideration for the environmental issues.
Translated by Yohei YAMAMOTO.